I think I know what role I will portraying in this project!!
I was as usual confused about this project, but suddenly as I was lying almost dead (not literally) with my head laid down on the table in the library of our school, the idea just "poofed" in my mind. Almost like a revelation, but not fully. I'm not a saint.
ME LATER ON (except that I'm a Human, not a Dog)
Okay so,I think it's abnormal to do all this gene insertion and what not (unless it's for a good cause , that's fine)
BUT Tomatoes don't seem to be genetically modified for a good cause but rather a selfish, economic cause, or at least that's what I'm interpreting so far.
So, I am going to be an environmentalist group person. I'll name myself as "The EnviroGirl©"!! (and yes, it's copyrighted by me)
This is a random quote I found, by Dr Mae-Wan Ho, head of the Bio-Electrodynamics laboratory at the Open University in Milton Keynes. I am going to quote this directly from the website, and source it in my references.
"Gene technology is driven by bad science. It may well ruin our food supply, destroy our biodiversity."
I completely agree!
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