As I was researching, I came across Health Canada's website and choose to see what information they had regarding GM Tomatoes on their website.
So, they actually had a list of all the GM Food/Animals that are approved in Canada. Some of them have a link that you can click on for specific transgenic item, and have detailed information on it such as How it was modified, Product Information, Nutrition, Safety and etc.
(Tomao is tired of this non-sense)
guess what I found?First of all, I actually thought that Flavr Savr was the end of gene insertion in tomatoes. BUT Health Canada has 3 different tomato links which are all genetically modified, approved and used in Canada.
BUT all these products aren't really labelled in Canada!
So,There are three different links of transgenic tomatoes that I found on their website. I will directly post the websites of the 3 tomatoes on this blog below. Go through the link and see the details on each of them:
1) Insect Resistant Tomato - By Monsanto Canada
2) Delayed Ripening Tomato- By DNA Plant Technology
3)Supressed Polygalacturonase Activiy Tomato Hybrids- By Zeneca Plant Science
Did you Canadians know about this this?
- The EnviroGirl
p.s:I'm working on a blog post relating TO the organization,Greenpeace and a Bill that was about to be passed in Canada for GM Food labellings, BUT FAILED.
Links to previous blog posts:
You're really late to the party, they've already introduced them and taken them out of grocery chains. I'd recommend doing some research on the potential benefit or detriment of GMO by reading scientific research papers. This will help you change your overt bias.