This blog post is very abstract, but I think it relates to GM Foods. I know you geeks would think, how does this relate, but I think it somehow does.
Okay so,
My friend got into a car accident in Mississauga yesterday. He had to get stitches on his head, it wasn't severe. I went to visit him and he was telling me about how he didn't realize that his life was so important to him until this accident. He took life for granted, he was saying that he really wants to thank God for teaching him about the importance of life through this accident.
Suddenly as I was listening to him, I said to him "BIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT!"(and yes this assignment is stressing me out since it's a weight of 5!!). He gave me the "Are you okay?" expression. Nonetheless, he gave me an idea! The idea about God who is the creator of a thing called "life".
Do you get where I'm going now, I'm relating this incident of my friend to God and the importance of life and living things.
You never realize how precious ones life is until you actually experience it yourself. We must thank God for everything, especially for the life we are living. He has created all this for us. HE HAS CREATED LIFE.We must accept it and live our life normally NOT genetically modify them! We are not God!! Remember that. Nor will we ever be.
As I was discussing this project with my mom, she said she knows this biblical quote, that would convey this though even more clearer. -
“Ye shall keep my statutes...Thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed.” (Leviticus- Chapter 19, Verse 19)
It's not directly telling us not to modify food genetically but is rather sending the message out indirectly. Scientists and Geneticists are trying to be God in a way through Genetic Engineering. Don't you think so?
I thought that the biblical quote must be on the internet too. So, I researched upon it and found a good website.
The website actually expanded on the quote, it said: "Let me assure you that when DNA genes are taken from one organism and inserted into another, it too is a defilement of the land
and a violation of God’s law! Furthermore, when we eat foods grown in violation of God’s law, they become a defilement to our ––bodies whether we know it or not. Who, other than Satan, would want to defile and corrupt every aspect of God’s earth and in the process defile and corrupt every person’s body?" I think that Monsanto and other companies, WOULD get some sense in them by reading the Bible.
Of course, not everyone is Christian. But, I'm pretty sure other religions would also see this whole issue in the similar aspect. Hence, my point from this blog is to BE NORMAL. DON'T TRY TO BE "GOD". APPRECIATE LIFE AND GOD.
(that reminds me of my schools motto- Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our GOD!)
Goodbye for today Science Geeks,
Tommorrow, I'll post the blog that I'm currently working on which is about more tomatoes that have been genetically modified since Flavr Savr.
Humera Zonash.A
OH and LOOK WHAT I FOUND... on the lovely company that everyone is so fascinated about. Don't we all love Monsanto?

"Monsato Claus"
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