"GM foods don't just exploit human rights, animals are also exploited, and so is our planet."
What do you think of that quote geeks?
So, today's blog will talk about all the pros & cons & issues that Flavr Savr had reflecting on GM Foods as well.
Let's ofcourse start with the good things about Flavr Savr.
The Flavr Savr had its advantages at the beginning of it's entrance to market. The main would be obviously the gene insertion becoming sucessfull and letting the tomatoes stay longer on the shelves for consumers. As well as , some sources that I was researching on mentioned how the Flavr Savr had a better taste than the original tomato. Doesn't it have to taste weird since it's not "normal" anymore? How can that better tasting seriously?
Now, lets move on to the disadvantages
First of all, Flavr Savr was discontinued as I mentioned before in the previous blog "Flavr Savr Gene Modificaton" mentioned that one of the misunderstood disadvantage was that they though that Flavr Savr would make humans become resistant towards Kanamycin-an antibiotic. However this isn't true.
But, let's IMAGINE, if it was true and that Calgene did not prove it true. What could the consequence be? I wonder if the health related occupations like the Doctors would have done something about it IF this was true.
Moving on to the "actual" disadvantages
Some Nutritional sources also say that the "original" nutritional value wasn't being consumed due to the fact that the genes were altered within the tomato. This caused the tomato to lose its original value of all the nutrients that it contains.
(Well, isn't it common sense that if you alter a gene in an organism, it's going to lose something that it possessed from before?)
Another disadvantage was because the tomatoes were apparently getting damaged as they were being handled for shipping and transporting. My question- Aren't they suppose to be more stronger? Since the gene to make it soften and ripen fast was blocked? And this was FDA approved too? Really??
And so, due to this as well as the loss of Calegene company, this genetically altered fruit disappeared from the market in 1997.
More disadvantages
As i further kept researching for the disadvantages/issues, I found out that Flavr Savr was tested on ANIMALS!! specifically Rats. Calgene used Rats as part of their experiment and testing. They were fed the genetically modified tomatoes through a tube. (so, it's basically shoving food down the animals throat forcefully, how cruel!) The poor Rats. Why am I taking pity on them? It's because they did not come out with good results on the Rats. The "rats that were fed genetically modified tomato developed stomach lesions, bleeding stomachs, 7/40 died within 2 weeks and the tomato was approved"by the FDA!. This is said Jeffrey Smith executive and founder of Institure for technology in the video that I watched on GM Foods.
( talk about how the physilogical thing was normal)

Not only that but according to the video Rats were used to test for "Soy(mishape in nuclei of the liver cell), Canola(livers became heavier), and Corn(problems with development of their blood cells)"... all this is because of the lack of humanity within the geneticists. Who really bothers about Rats, since they are dirty, unhygienic, and NOT human but ANIMALS.
HOLY !!! (excuse my language with all due respect) BUT Where's the justice here for animals here? Why were all the genetically modified foods being tested on RATS!? + It's not like the rats showed positive results right?
Not only that, according to the video, Chicken, Cows and Hogs were also used for other GM Food experiments.
I get furious personally in real life, if animals are made to suffer for all the non sense, just to progress in the technological world.No one has any mercy on the poor animals.
There's a limit to stupidity!... If the animals are/were showing negative results towards the genetically modified food, it shouldn't be approved!! or if you really want your product to be succesfull...why don't you see how can you solve the problem by further researching and letting your experiment animal surive? Rather than just fool the government and introduce your product in the consumer market?"It's like saying you make a car and say that you want to test it, and you know let some people get killed driving the car to see if safe or not."
With loads of anger filled,
- The EnviroGirl & Tomao
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Thanks this helped with my homework love you enviro girl
ReplyDelete8 December 2019